Our Method
Our personal management and home solutions mentors undergo rigorous training before meeting with clients. Whether we’re helping you with a closest, a room, an apartment, a large home or an office, our experts are prepared with customizable solutions to suit every personality, space and need.
We work quickly. Time management and cost efficiency are cornerstones of the No Mess, No Clutter ™ solutions.
We dive right into your space. There’s nothing you need to do ahead of time. It’s best if we see your place in its “natural state” to give us a sense where you're starting, your tendencies and where you need to go. We create effective, sustainable solutions to achieve and enhance your lifestyle goals.
The No Mess, No Clutter™ Pledge:
We won’t waste your time and money recommending expensive products for "storing" and "containing" your clutter. We help you eliminate the clutter!
There is no judgment, just solutions. We will work shoulder to shoulder with you to eliminate the mess and clutter, minimize the waste and create sustainable solutions to end the clutter for good.
The No Mess, No Clutter™ Process:
We follow a proprietary five-point framework that is customized to meet each client's unique needs:
Personalized Goals and Assessment: Your needs and patterns are as unique as your fingerprint and are the center of your Personalized No Mess, No Clutter™ solution.
Prioritized Plan of Attack: We help you understand the problem areas and identify the critical changes that will bring the greatest satisfaction most quickly.
Shoulder-to-shoulder Implementation: We will guide you through the process, providing motivation, emotional support and on-the-spot problem solving.
Sustainable Solutions for a Clutter-free Lifestyle: Your plan of attack includes individualized methods keep the clutter and mess from returning without disrupting your lifestyle.
Follow-up Support: Is your Personalized No Mess, No Clutter™ Solution working as expected? Is there something we've missed? Each session includes a follow-up walkthrough to assess the success of your personalized solution.

Nearly two-thirds of the contents of this closet
were donated.

"I could have never achieved this stress-free, organized closest on my own. No Mess, No Clutter provided the motivation and solutions to make this change possible. I've applied the No Mess, No Clutter philosophy to my entire home."
-Elizabeth Ross
No Mess, No Clutter Client
Member of the
National Association of
Professional Organizers